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Large clay sculptures -COMPLET

En partenariat avec le Conseil de la culture de l'Estrie

Large clay sculptures -COMPLET
Large clay sculptures -COMPLET

Time and Place

Sep 26, 2019, 10:00 a.m. – Sep 29, 2019, 5:00 p.m.

Rozynski Arts Center, 2133 Chemin de Ways Mills, Barnston-Ouest, QC J0B, Canada


En partenariat avec le Conseil de la culture de l'Estrie

During this fun workshop, participants will work collaboratively in creating a life-size clay figure. After hollow sculpting demonstrations, each participant will create a body part that will be used to collectively create the sculpture. With our combined effort, it is certain that we will produce a figure with many unique qualities. Through out the workshop, all the technical challenges encountered during the making of large sculptures will be covered. Therefore, by the end of your stay you will have acquired the knowledge to guide you through your own project.

Please note that this workshop will take place during our Ceramystic event that attracts 5000 visitors per year. Expect a lot of visibility, in a festive and dynamique vibe!


My process mirrors the major themes of my work; how experiences transform the interior life of individuals.

I build my figures hollow, constantly pressing the clay from the inside outward. This constant pressure that I apply informs the figure’s shape, gesture, and description of where their internal weight is carried. This internal distortion results in a body where, at moments, signifiers of gender, age, and time are dissolved.

My ultimate aim is to create a body that exposes its joys, grief, and sorrow, as they are most viscerally experienced. Here, I hope, to point to what might be the most raw and illicit opposite of pain – empathy, compassion, and even the beginnings of love.


Andréa Keys Connell is Assistant Professor of Ceramics in the Department Craft/Material Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. She received her BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art, and her MFA from Ohio University.

Andréa’s work has been featured in a number of national and international publications and she has widely exhibited her work. Most recently Andrea was featured in Art Papers, Korean Monthly Ceramics, and Ceramics and the Human Figure.

She has had 11 solo exhibitions in various galleries and museums since receiving her MFA in 2009, including The Florida Holocaust Museum, The Clay Studio, and The Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft.

Andréa’s sculptures, lectures, and writings demonstrate a desire to investigate how an individual’s personal history affects their identity, behaviors, and actions.

Andreas Keys Connell's website:

Duration: 4 consecutive days

Cost: 100$


value: 500$

Inclusion : everything

Nombre de participants : 10

Pendant cet atelier, les participant-e-s travailleront de manière collective afin de créer une sculpture en argile à grande échelle.

Après les démonstrations d’évidages, chaque participant façonnera une partie de corps qui sera utilisée pour l’assemblage de

la grande sculpture.

En combinant les efforts, le résultat de cette sculpture sera unique. Durant toute la formation, chaque détail et défi technique

concernant la construction de sculpture grand format seront couverts.

FORMATEUR/FORMATRICE : Andrea Keys Connell. Andrea Keys Connell est assistante professeure au département de céramique et des études de la matière à l’Université du Commonwealth de Virginie. Elle a obtenu son diplôme de Baccalauréat à l’Institut et Collège des arts de Maryland et obtenu sa maîtrise à L’Université de Ohio. Le travail de Andrea Keys Connell, a été publié et exposé à maintes reprises aux États-Unis et partout à travers le monde. Plus récemment, son travail a été présenté dans « Art Papers, Korean Monthly Ceramics, et Ceramics and the Human Figure » Depuis l’obtention de sa maîtrise en 2009, Andrea Keys Connell a participé à onze expositions solo dans plusieurs galeries et musées telles que « The Florida Holocaust Museum », « The Clay Studio», et «The Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft.» Les sculptures, les conférences et les publications d’Andrea nous démontrent son profond désir de recherche sur ce qui affecte l’histoire, l’identité, les comportements et les actions personnels de chaque individu.

Durée: 4 jours consécutifs

Coût: 100$


valeur: 500$

Inclusion : tout

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