Residency Exit Event for Ito Laïla Le François & Rosalie Beaucage with Performance by Camila Vásquez
Time and Place
Aug 29, 2024, 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Centre d'art Rozynski, 2133 Ch De Way's Mills, Barnston-Ouest, QC J0B 1C0, Canada
The Rozynski Art Centre invites you to a special residency exit event for artists Ito Laïla Le François and Rosalie Beaucage, featuring a performance by artist Camila Vásquez. Join us to hear about the work of these artists, each of whom explores matter, memory, and personal narratives within their respective practices. A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in contemporary art in an intimate setting.
Details to come.
Ito Laïla Le François
Her creative process is closely linked to the exploration of a location and its material and immaterial resources. She envisions the possibility of giving a voice to the territory through the experience of exploring it closely. She is a romantic and primitive artist who produces work that is wildly contemporary. Ito laila wants to reinforce the sane and simple idea that we are nature. Her sculptures offer a poetic whole, where wounds meet the sublime, and organic form is nourished by its own materiality.
Ito laila places great importance on learning ancestral skills and techniques that are disappearing with mechanized work. She invests in these practices by creating hybrid works combining glass, wood, ceramics, textiles, found objects and more.
Camila Vásquez
"Quand j’ai prononcé le mot deuil, un silence à la fois dense et limpide s’est installé entre nous. Comment aborder ce thème vaste et universel chez l’humain? Et, en même temps, déployer ce qu’il y a de souterrain en moi? À travers une trame sonore choisie pour son pouvoir d’évocation en lien avec mon histoire personnelle, je traverse diverses variations du deuil : ce qui fut et qui n'est plus, ce qui a failli être, ce qui change. Nulle part ailleurs, je n’ai trouvé ce que cette musique m’a apportée. Une musique qui enivre, de ressentis et de sons. Ce qui se perd est une performance qui parle de la perte d’un être aimé, d’idéaux, de rêves, d’une relation, de parties de soi, de capacités, de certitudes... Ainsi que de l’émergence de ce qui se transforme."
Photo: Jessica Renaud. Courtesy of Sylvie Tourangeau
Rosalie Beaucage
During her time at the Rozynski Art Centre, the author conducted research for a graphic novel project on the potter's trade and the contribution of her father, ceramicist Marcel Beaucage, to the Quebec ceramics scene.
Having launched his career in the early 1960s, Marcel Beaucage has been intimately involved with ceramics for over fifty years. He was of those who helped make pottery come alive in Quebec. Adopting a documentary-style approach, Rosalie Beaucage rearranges interviews previously conducted with her father, sorts through archives, continues her readings, and proceeds to prune the material so that the essence of the story emerges, from which she can draw a clear narrative structure.